Dress Code & Etiquette

Our Dress Code & On-Course Etiquette

Know the rules, respect the green, and play like a pro!

Parkes Golf Club Dress Code

The Parkes Golf Club is renowned for its relaxed and friendly environment, yet still upholds a minimum standard for its dress code. As a general rule, golf gear must be neat and casual at all times. This applies to the course and practice areas. The Club management and Pro Shop staff may object at any time to dress that is considered unsuitable. Members are responsible for the dress of their visitors.

Unacceptable clothing anywhere on premises includes:

  • Beach attire
  • Singlet type tops (minimum shirt is a t-shirt)
  • Thongs or open sandals
  • Clothing displaying racist or offensive messages
  • Torn, ripped or dirty clothing, overalls or industrial clothing
  • Steel spike golf shoes are NOT permitted on the course or practice areas
  • Work boots

On Course Expectations

Understanding the rules ensures fair play, respect for your fellow golfers, and preserves the course for everyone to enjoy.

Pace of Play

18 holes should take approximately 4hrs 15minutes. Please keep up with the group in front of you and let people play ahead if they a re faster. Selecting clubs ahead of time, hitting provisional balls and always putting out are just some ways you can increase your pace of play.

Golf Carts

Please keep golf carts on the paths at all times. Do Not Cross the blue lines surrounding the greens.

Course Care & Maintenance

Please remember to repair pitch marks and fill in divots to keep our course in the best condition for your enjoyment. Carrying of sand buckets in compulsory for all players.

Food & Drinks

Are available from the Club House or Pro Shop. No BYO alcoholic beverages, we are a fully licensed facility.